Flexbox Image Gallery – Javascript/CSS
This project uses Javascript and the Fancybox JQuery functionality to create an interactive scrolling gallery of imagery and text discussing artificial intelligence.
Responsive Weather App – Angular App using API data / Bootstrap
This project utilizes PHP to create a responsive database application. Records can be viewed, added, deleted and edited. The app also provides log in functionality to limit add, edit and delete functionality only to logged in administrators.
Pokeapp – React App Using API Data
This project uses the React Javascript framework to fetch information from the Pokemon API. Upon loading the page, the app fetches and displays relevant information for a single Pokemon creature.
Polyphonic Synthesizer / Sequencer
This project uses html, css and javascript to create a basic, though fully functional synthesizer and sequencer. The eight step sequencer allows for multiple notes played at each step allowing for chords and basic additive synthesis. Pick your waveform, set some steps and have fun.
Find the Square Game
Another simple HTML, CSS and Javascript game. The game uses multiple event listeners to watch for clicks and respond to the users input.
Animal Emoji Slot Machine
An fun experiment using Javascript to create a basic slot machine application with Emoji font icons.
Monster Counting Game
A colorful, silly counting game made to showcase random generated graphic content using HTML, CSS and Javascript.
Database C.R.U.D. App w/ Secure Login – PHP / MySQL
This project utilizes PHP to create a responsive database application. Records can be viewed, added, deleted and edited. The app also provides log in functionality to limit add, edit and delete functionality only to logged in administrators.
Pacific Trails Resort Site – HTML/CSS
The Pacific Trails Resort website is a template small business site created utilizing HTML and CSS. The site displays responsive design for all viewing sizes as well as displaying pictures, video and providing a contact form.
Single-page Bootstrap Resume Demonstration
This project utilizes the bootstrap library to create a basic single page scrolling resume site. Make sure to hover your cursor over the main picture to enjoy the sunrise!
Online Midi Synthesizer
This project uses html, CSS and javascript to create an interface between a MIDI keyboard and the browser. Javascript is used extensively along with API calls to generate sounds according to the keys being pressed on a MIDI keyboard. NOTE: Midi input required for functionality. Plug in any USB midi controller and make some noise!
User Experience – Mental Health & AI Ethics Blog
This is a design for a blog related to artificial intelligence and mental health. The page is hand coded using html, css and javascript. In the end, every article would be pulled from a dynamic database.
E-Commerce WebStore
This project uses html, CSS and javascript to create a custom web store design for a site that sells hand painted miniatures for use in games.
Javascript ASCII Animations
This series of experiments uses Javascript to create various animation effects using only ASCII text characters.
Visual Sound Oscilloscope
This project uses Javascript and various audio web API’s to generate visual waveform of sounds. Choose from various waveforms and use the buttons to play notes. Check out how the waveforms change when you turn on some of the effects.